Thursday, November 17, 2011

The Oil Cleansing Method

My latest discovery that I am loving is making my own face wash. I have never been really happy with a cleanser I have used and I have tried a lot. Most of them natural or organic but still have not been completely satisfied.
So, I began searching how I could make my own. This has to be easy right? We don't need that many ingredients to clean our skin.
In my searching I came across the Oil-Cleansing Method. Maybe you have heard of this already but I had not.
The idea is simple...Clean with oil. Sounds a little crazy I know. Most face washes or cleansers you see with proudly proclaim "Oil-Free". Making us believe that oil must be bad for our skin. This is completely false.
One of the laws, if you will, of chemistry states "like dissolves like". Meaning oil dissolves oil. Plus our bodies produce oil naturally and need oil to be healthy. Many products strip the oil from our skin and leave it trying to repair itself. Cleansing with oil will remove impurities and replenish your skin with good, healthy oils.

All that to say I am loving the oil cleansing method!! I have been using it for almost a week and my skin feels soft and healthy. I am currently using a combination of Castor oil, Sunflower Seed Oil, Lavender, and Tea Tree oil.
The method itself is simple. Massage the oil into your skin, place a very warm washcloth over your face to steam for a couple seconds and then wash off. You also only need to do this once a day. Seriously so simple.

There are many different oils you can use depending on your skin type. Apricot, Almond, Sunflower, and Olive are all great.  Have a look at this website for more details and how to mix your oils. This site only lists sunflower oil which is great for any skin. Apricot is better for dry and Almond better for oily. I hope I have inspired you to try something new...


  1. I read about this a few weeks ago and have been intrigued. I tend to have very oily skin prone to break-outs, so I'm a bit nervous to try it myself. When I first read about it it suggested olive oil, Castor oil and some other oil I can't remember now, not sunflower. I may have to do some research and give it a try. Thanks for the encouragement!

  2. Andrea, you should definitely read about it. It is very good for oily skin as it replaces the bad oil with good oil. For oily skin it is recommended to use castor oil and almond oil. Just play around with the amount of castor oil to get the right ratio for you, castor oil can actually be very drying if you use to much so it works well with oily skin.
    Let me know if you try it!
