Wednesday, November 30, 2011

Messy Motherhood

I've been inspired by a fellow Mom with her recent Facebook post about social media allowing us to present our best selves and not the less than perfect. As a result the world seems full of perfect mothers who always have clean homes, and freshly cooked food, well behaved children and so on.

This prompted many to then share their messy stories from that day. Not cleaning, running from your kids, popping them in front of movies so you can get something else done, wishing and wishing for the next stage of childhood to come. We've all been there, maybe more often then we'd like to admit.

There are many days where I take my kids and we just leave the house so I don't have to look at the pile of dishes, or the pile of laundry, or the pile of mail, toys, etc. (Or choosing to catch up on my favorite show instead of doing all the previously listed things. Eek!)  It's not pretty to admit those things but it is real. If we were all a little more real with each other maybe we wouldn't feel so bad about the things we don't get done.

Obviously there are things we need to do and its part of being a responsible Mother to tidy the house, wash the clothes and so on. We shouldn't completely neglect those things. But there is an amazing thing called "Grace" for when we do! Thank you Jesus!

We should embrace our "messy motherhood" and at the same time encourage and call each other up to a higher place. I know I need that. Sometimes you  might need a little tough love but more often then not I think you just need to hear your not alone. It's okay that your house is a mess and your kids are running wild. Don't leave it forever but it's okay!

So for all my Mom friends out there, I'm glad your not perfect! Me either. Lets encourage each other and love each other right where we are.

1 comment:

  1. Thanks Jana! This is so true! By 12:30 this afternoon I had cleaned up 5 poop and pee accidents, one of which was in the sock aisle at Target. Yikes. I definitely bought some Oreo's and put the girls down for naps in the midst of a messy home. It's refreshing to have realistic perspective on mommyhood from other moms in the midst of these early years with our kids.
